Time to Prune

I spent the better part of Saturday working in the yard. The house looks great. New siding. New patio. New plants.

The yard is another story. I hate mowing dirt and I really hate when child #3 mows the yard because he never moves a stick, rocks, or anything that has blown into the yard. He just sits atop the mower, headphones on, riding around running over everything, blowing dust everywhere. Really must invest in better grass.

When we were finished mowing – him riding and me pushing, I started pruning. First the roses, then the bush that brushes the car when I pull into the garage. Then the Japanese Maple in the front yard. Prune. Prune. Prune. No sense of whether its the right time or season, just time to get rid of the dead branches.

Then I heard the Gospel Sunday at Mass and realized I probably need some pruning too. Cut away the anger or impatience. Prune that which I should forgive and forget. Take away the habits I should break. So much work to do.

This week, maybe we can all commit to prune away that which no longer belongs: the hatred or anger or frustration or intolerance. Let the fruit of compassion and patience and understanding grow in its place.

Pruning hurts. But new life is full of wonderful opportunities.